“What Wales is doing today, the world will do tomorrow.”
- Nikhil Seth, UN Assistant Secretary General
Where to buy
#futuregen is available to buy from independent bookshops online at Bookshop.org or click here to find your local independent book store.
It’s also available in print and as an ebook at Amazon and Waterstones.
Find the audiobook at Audible, Google Play, Apple iBooks, through their libraries via OverDrive, and several other channels.
By Author DR Jane Davidson
In #futuregen, Jane Davidson explains how, as Minister for Environment, Sustainability and Housing in Wales, she proposed what became the Well-being of Future Generations (Wales) Act 2015 – the first piece of legislation in history to place regenerative and sustainable practice at the heart of government. Unparalleled in scope and vision, the Act connects social, environmental, economic and cultural wellbeing and looks to solve complex issues through better decision-making.
Praise for #futuregen
“‘Jane Davidson [is] blazing a trail for the rest of the world... Decision-makers everywhere should read her book to understand the importance of putting future generations at the heart of all they do.’ ”
“‘Be inspired by this fascinating story of how Wales made into law the obligation for a country to pursue sustainable development on behalf of future generations.’”
“‘As the effects of climate change and ecological degradation become ever more apparent it is not despair that must drive us, but action. Jane Davidson’s wonderful #futuregen tells the inspiring story of how one country stepped up with just that – a groundbreaking new law to protect the interests of future generations. For those searching for hope, this is a must-read.’”
“‘A truly pioneering Act that puts sustainability at the heart of every governmental decision combined with a country seeking to reimagine itself – the story of this revolutionary engine for change holds enormous possibility and is a true beacon of hope.’”