In Conversation With Jane Davidson

Jane Davidson in Conversation with Sophie Howe

In Conversation with Jane Davidson...
Sophie Howe, Future Generations Commissioner

Welcome to Business News Wales' series of live webinars. Our virtual round tables and one on one exclusive interviews are all focused on the Green Economy in Wales.

Green Industries Wales is an independent collaboration and discovery forum in Wales, has announced a pioneering series of webinars to inform all green stakeholders in Wales, pre and post the 2021 United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP26), which is being held in Glasgow from 1st November to 12th November.   

In this episode, Green Industries Wales host Jane Davidson is joined by Sophie Howe, Future Generations Commissioner.

The Webinars will run from October 4th until mid-December – shining a spotlight on the most important factors affecting climate change in Welsh industry and society: from the emerging energy sources and technologies being embraced by Wales, to the radical changes about to happen across industry, transport, the built environment and our communities as a whole.

Visit Business News Wales’ website for more information and listen to other episodes of the podcast here

In Conversation with Jane Davidson... Becky Lythgoe, Greenstream Flooring CIC

Green Industries Wales is an independent collaboration and discovery forum in Wales, has announced a pioneering series of webinars to inform all green stakeholders in Wales, pre and post the 2021 United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP26), which is being held in Glasgow from 1st November to 12th November.   

The Webinars will run from October 4th until mid-December – shining a spotlight on the most important factors affecting climate change in Welsh industry and society: from the emerging energy sources and technologies being embraced by Wales, to the radical changes about to happen across industry, transport, the built environment and our communities as a whole.

In this episode, Green Industries Wales host Jane Davidson is joined by Becky Lythgoe of Greenstream Flooring CIC.

In Conversation with Jane Davidson: Andy Middleton

In the latest episode of ‘In Conversation with Jane Davidson,’ Jane speaks to Andy Middleton, CEO of TYF Adventure. Passionate about the environment, Andy founded TYF in 1986, and has since started other eco businesses. They discuss the relationship between sustainability and business, the freedom of entrepreneurship, the evolution of TYF Adventure and more

In Conversation With Jane Davidson: Joyce and Nigel Gervis

In the latest episode of Jane Davidson in Conversation, Jane speaks to Joyce and Nigel Gervis of Ty Mawr Lime about their award-winning business – discovering how they've become a market leader in the design, manufacture and distribution of environmentally-friendly building materials and systems, discussing how the building industry in Wales is changing; and exploring the importance of bringing business into the country.

Listen to the other podcasts in the series here

In Conversation With Jane Davidson: David Hieatt

About David Hieatt

Bankrupt at 16. Thrown out of college at 18. Joined Saatchi and Saatchi at 21. Had a ball. Left advertising to go back to Wales. Started howies in 1995. Sold it to Timberland. Left. Started The DO Lectures, which was voted one of the top 10 ideas festivals in the world by the Guardian.

And in 2012 started a company making jeans called The Hiut Denim Co. in his home town of Cardigan. A town that used to have Britain’s biggest jeans factory. Its purpose is to get 400 people their jobs back. As of today, it now employs 30 people.

Listen to the other podcasts in the series here