
Oxford Real Farming Conference: Intergenerational Land Ownership Beyond the FamilyTree

What happens if landowners entrust their land to more distributed and diverse forms of ownership and governance than a single bloodline? Might a culture of diversity lead to even greater resilience? Two progressive estate owners, a lawyer, an agro-economist and a researcher explore emerging models of land governance designed to enable more people to tend the soil for future generations, whilst growing the fabric of communities. What are the opportunities and risks in sharing the prosperity of, and responsibility for, the land? We will enquire into the benefits and drawbacks of both the old order and the emerging order now taking root in some places.

Speakers: Miriam Rose (Hardwick Estate), Olivia Oldham (University of Edinburgh), Ninian Stuart (Falkland Estate), Patrick Andrews (Barefoot lawyer), Tom Carman (Shared Assets)
Chair: Jane Davidson (University of Wales Trinity Saint David, land restorer and author)

The Good Governance Institute: Public Good Podcast - Integrity

The Public Good, a podcast hosted by Jaco Marais on behalf of the Good Governance Institute, puts you at the heart of conversations about how organisations should be led and run, and create value for society.

In this episode, Jaco explores integrity and its implication with Jane Davidson (Author of #futuregen) and Prof. Andrew Corbett-Nolan (CEO, GGI).

According to the Nolan Principles, integrity means: "Holders of public office must avoid placing themselves under any obligation to people or organisations that might try inappropriately to influence them in their work. They should not act or take decisions in order to gain financial or other material benefits for themselves, their family, or their friends. They must declare and resolve any interests and relationships."What are the consequences of people failing to act with integrity? What is personal integrity? What about systematic integrity – how do we design systems with integrity? Listen in to find out!

The Institute and Faculty of Actuaries (IFoA) Podcast: Sustainable development and the well-being of future generations

In this episode of the SDG podcast series, Sustainability Board member, Shyam Gharial speaks to Jane Davidson, a former Welsh Assembly member in government between 1999 and 2011. As Minister for the Environment, Sustainability & Housing, Jane proposed legislation to make sustainable development the central organising principle for the government in Wales through what became known as the Well-being of Future Generations (Wales) Act, which passed into law in 2015. Many other nations have been looking at how to implement similar legislation, including for the UK. The discussion touches on topics of intergenerational fairness, intragenerational fairness and the role that financial services can play in moving towards a more sustainable society.

See more episodes of the podcast here

Jane Davidson in Conversation with Sophie Howe

In Conversation with Jane Davidson...
Sophie Howe, Future Generations Commissioner

Welcome to Business News Wales' series of live webinars. Our virtual round tables and one on one exclusive interviews are all focused on the Green Economy in Wales.

Green Industries Wales is an independent collaboration and discovery forum in Wales, has announced a pioneering series of webinars to inform all green stakeholders in Wales, pre and post the 2021 United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP26), which is being held in Glasgow from 1st November to 12th November.   

In this episode, Green Industries Wales host Jane Davidson is joined by Sophie Howe, Future Generations Commissioner.

The Webinars will run from October 4th until mid-December – shining a spotlight on the most important factors affecting climate change in Welsh industry and society: from the emerging energy sources and technologies being embraced by Wales, to the radical changes about to happen across industry, transport, the built environment and our communities as a whole.

Visit Business News Wales’ website for more information and listen to other episodes of the podcast here

In Conversation with Jane Davidson... Becky Lythgoe, Greenstream Flooring CIC

Green Industries Wales is an independent collaboration and discovery forum in Wales, has announced a pioneering series of webinars to inform all green stakeholders in Wales, pre and post the 2021 United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP26), which is being held in Glasgow from 1st November to 12th November.   

The Webinars will run from October 4th until mid-December – shining a spotlight on the most important factors affecting climate change in Welsh industry and society: from the emerging energy sources and technologies being embraced by Wales, to the radical changes about to happen across industry, transport, the built environment and our communities as a whole.

In this episode, Green Industries Wales host Jane Davidson is joined by Becky Lythgoe of Greenstream Flooring CIC.

Future Crunch: Policy For The Planet - How One Small Country Made Sustainability The Law

Today's guest is Jane Davidson and in her book ‘Future Gen - Lessons From A Small Country’ she explains how, as Minister for Environment, Sustainability and Housing in Wales, she proposed what became the Well-being of Future Generations (Wales) Act 2015 – the first piece of legislation in history to place regenerative and sustainable practice at the heart of government.

Read more on Future Crunch’s website here

Simon Wright In Conversation with Jane Davidson

In this edition of In Conversation with Jane Davidson, renowned food writer, restauranteur and broadcaster Simon Wright speaks to Jane about his 30-year career.

Simon speaks about his time as the Editor of the AA's Restaurant Guide, working with Gordon Ramsay, his life-changing discovery of passion for food, and his culminative determination to become a changemaker in the Food & Drink sector.

Post Carbon Institute: Crazy Town Podcast - Episode 37 – Discounting the Future and Climate Chaos, or… the Story of the Dueling Economists

An argument between economists is usually as exciting as reading the phone book (what’s that?), especially about something as boring-sounding as the discount rate. But it’s an argument that underlies how governments and businesses solve (or don’t solve) climate change. So, literally life and death stuff. Jason, Rob, and Asher explore why the discount rate, and discounting the future more broadly, is so deadly important, and why the number 0 is what our kids and grandkids deserve. In our Do-the-Opposite segment, catch up with Jane Davidson and her ideas for establishing better governance and a livable environment.

Listen to the podcast here.