
UWTSD Perspectives Podcast: Dr Jane Davidson, Pro-Vice Chancellor Emeritus, UWTSD discusses her recent publication #FutureGen: Lessons from a Small Country

In this podcast, Dr Jane Davidson joins UWTSD’s Dr Jeremy Smith to discuss her new book #Futuregen: Lessons from a Small Country.  During this episode, Jane explains how, as Minister for Environment, Sustainability and Housing in Wales, she proposed what became the Well-being of Future Generations (Wales) Act 2015 – the first piece of legislation in history to place regenerative and sustainable practice at the heart of government. Unparalleled in scope and vision, the Act connects social, environmental, economic and cultural wellbeing and looks to solve complex issues through better decision-making.

As former Pro Vice-Chancellor at UWTSD, also explains how she embedded the Well-being of Future Generations’ Act into all of the University’s activities.

Listen here

Podcast: What's happening to food and agriculture in Wales

Since 2017 the Food, Farming and Countryside Commission has helped to shape the UK's conversation about food - where it comes from, how it's produced, how far it travels, and where and how it gets sold and eaten. In this programme we discuss the FFCC's Wales Inquiry Report - the Wales Field Guide for Future Generations.

Joining ffinlo Costain are Sue Pritchard, Chief Executive of the FFCC, and Jane Davidson, chair of the Commission's Wales Inquiry, and former Minister for Environment, Sustainability and Housing in the Welsh Government.

Listen below and visit fai’s website here

Since 2017 the Food, Farming and Countryside Commission has helped to shape the UK's conversation about food - where it comes from, how it's produced, how far it travels, and where and how it gets sold and eaten. In this programme we discuss the FFCC's Wales Inquiry Report - the Wales Field Guide for Future Generations.

Build Back Better #4theRegion: Episode 07 - Nature Has Rights Too with Jane Davidson #Futuregen

Anyone who wants to see a greener, more prosperous, lower carbon, more equal and healthier future for Wales, and for the planet, owes a debt of gratitude to Jane Davidson, former Welsh Government Minister and erstwhile Pro VC of the University of Wales Trinity Saint David, for her pioneering work to embed sustainable development and one-planet principles at the heart of decision making in Wales. 

In her new book, '#FutureGen, Lessons from a Small Country', Jane Davidson recounts Wales' journey towards the creation of the The Wellbeing of Future Generations Act of 2015, which was the first piece of legislation anywhere in the world to enshrine the rights of nature and future generations in law. 

It's the story of how "one small nation responded to global climate issues by radically rethinking public policy for future generations".  In this interview with Jane Davidson, 4theRegion's Dawn Lyle explores what makes the WBFGA so important; the tension between individual responsibility and the need for governments to lead the way; some inspiring stories of sustainable development principles in action across society; and what needs to happen next in order to deliver fully on the promise of the Act in Wales.  #FutureGen is available in audio, ebook and hardback formats.

Anyone who wants to see a greener, more prosperous, lower carbon, more equal and healthier future for Wales, and for the planet, owes a debt of gratitude to ...

The Importance of The Well-being of Future Generations (Wales) Act 2015

Ahead of the release of her new book, #futuregen, Lessons from a Small CountryBusiness News Wales MD, Mark Powney spoke to former minister Jane Davidson about her role in the creation of the act, and the opportunity for Wales and act in the future.

Listen below or see the post on Business News Wales’s website.

Business News Wales MD, Mark Powney spoke to former minister Jane Davison about her role in the creation of the act, and the opportunity for Wales and act in the future.

The DO Lectures: Jane Davidson - Why Wales Leads The Way In Sustainability

Can a small country like Wales lead the way in terms of sustainability? Can an entire country go organic? Why not? Jane is Minister for Environment, Sustainability and Housing for Wales. Even though Wales is a small country, her aim is for Wales to set the example for the rest of the world in terms of sustainability and environmental protection.

Click play to listen to my DO lecture or find my lecture and others at The DO Podcast and more information on The DO Lectures here.