
Galileo: Leben im selbstgebastelten Paradies: Das Haus ohne Strom-, Wasser- & Gaskosten (Living in the self-made paradise: The house without electricity, water & gas costs)

Keine Kosten für Strom, heißes Wasser und Gas? Eine Familie aus Wales zeigt, wie es geht. In ihrem nachhaltigen Traumhaus, das sie mit Materialien aus 2. Hand selbstgebaut haben, leben sie klimaneutral und autark.

No costs for electricity, hot water and gas? A family from Wales shows how it's done. In their sustainable dream home, which they built themselves with 2nd-hand materials, they live climate-neutrally and self-sufficiently.

Drive the Change with Hyundai | Meet Jane Davidson

Meet Jane: former minister for sustainability and environment in the Welsh Government, which was the first region in the UK to pioneer the introduction of the plastic bag charge. Jane played a key role in the sustainable movement, transforming Wales to be more sustainable. Highlighting the final stop of our nationwide tour powered by IONIQ 5, host Jamie Anley met with Jane as the pair explored her promotion of a circular economy, and her love of wild swimming.

Jane Davidson on the Creation of The Well-Being of Future Generations Act in Wales

In this discussion with Leila Conners, Jane Davidson tells the story of how one small nation responded to global climate issues by radically rethinking public policy for future generations. Based on her new book, #futuregen. In #futuregen, Jane Davidson explains how, as Minister for Environment, Sustainability and Housing in Wales, she proposed the Well-being of Future Generations (Wales) Act 2015—the first piece of legislation on Earth to place regenerative and sustainable practice at the heart of government. Unparalleled in its scope and vision, the Act connects environmental and social health and looks to solve complex issues such as poverty, education and unemployment. Davidson reveals how and why such groundbreaking legislation was forged in Wales—once reliant on its coal, iron and steel industries—and explores how the shift from economic growth to sustainable growth is creating new opportunities for communities and governments all over the world.

Everything Changes - changing JUSTICE | newid CYFIAWNDER

Everything Change is a series of discussions and events exploring the roles creativity, adaptive thinking and storytelling can play in overcoming the challenges of climate and ecological crises. Rooted in Wales and with a global focus, the programme was originally streamed live online between 10th–19th June 2021. Featuring an international array of contributors from across the arts and creative industries, as well as the sciences, law, business, public policy, activism and education, Everything Change created a unique forum for generating debate and new ideas, driven by some of the most urgent questions of our times, and focusing on seven key areas of change: Money, Food, Water, Energy, Justice, Story and Change itself. Over ten days, we gathered to consider how creative thinking might help shape the imaginative revolution we need to make meaningful action on the climate crisis feel not just vital, but possible.

// Mae Newid Popeth yn gyfres o drafodaethau a digwyddiadau sy'n archwilio'r rolau y gall creadigrwydd, meddylfryd addasol ac adrodd straeon eu chwarae wrth oresgyn heriau argyfyngau hinsawdd ac ecolegol. A'i gwreiddiau yng Nghymru, â ffocws rhyngwladol, cafodd y rhaglen ei ffrydio'n fyw ar-lein yn wreiddiol rhwng 10 a 19 Mehefin 2021. Gan gynnwys llu o gyfranwyr rhyngwladol o'r celfyddydau a'r diwydiannau creadigol, yn ogystal â chyfranogwyr o'r gwyddorau, y gyfraith, busnes, polisi cyhoeddus, ymgyrchu, ac addysg, creodd

Everything Change fforwm unigryw ar gyfer sbarduno trafodaethau a syniadau newydd, wedi'u hysgogi gan un o gwestiynau mwyaf dybryd ein hoes, a chanolbwyntio ar saith maes newid allweddol: Arian, Bwyd, Dŵr, Ynni, Cyfiawnder, Stori a Newid ei hun. Dros 10 niwrnod, daethom ynghyd i ystyried sut gallai meddwl yn greadigol helpu i lywio chwyldro'r dychymyg y bydd ei angen arnom i sicrhau bod gweithredu ystyrlon ar yr argyfwng hinsawdd nid yn unig yn hanfodol ond yn bosib hefyd. Everything Change was produced by Taliesin Arts Centre and Swansea University Professor in Creativity, Owen Sheers, in partnership with Dhaka Lit Fest and with support from the British Council.

// Cynhychwyd Newid Popeth gan Taliesin a’r Athro mewn Creadigrwydd ym Mhrifysgol Abertawe, Owen Sheers, mewn partneriaeth â Dhaka Lit Fest a chefnogaeth gan y British Council.

Word Localisation Day: Making Policies Work for the Future We Want | Jane Davidson, George Ferguson and Sarah McKinley

What kind of policies safeguard the wellbeing of people and planet? How can we stimulate healthy local economies that operate within ecological limits? How do we bring governance closer to home? Learn from people who have spearheaded visionary policies and community-building strategies. Hear about how a small country made it mandatory to consider future generations, about food-first policies, and about models to build community wealth. Moderated by Anja Lyngbaek.

This event took place on June 20, 2021 as part of World Localization Day. As more people wake up to the need to localize supply chains and recover their connections to Nature and community, World Localization Day aims to galvanize the worldwide localization movement into a force for systemic change. Visit for more information.