Interview with iNews: From an old barn to a state-of-the-art eco house, how family is enjoying a greener lifestyle by Madeleine Cuff

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“Jane Davidson and her family used to live in an ordinary house in Cardiff. Sure, her husband Guy may have kept a few chickens in the back garden, but life was still pretty normal. The gas boiler whirred to life on cold mornings, the fridge was stocked with supermarket produce and power was piped from the national grid.

When she was appointed minister for environment, sustainability and housing in the Welsh Assembly Government in 2007, the germs of a radical, life-changing move were sown. Davidson wanted to “be a minister who was not only advocating for people to do things, but doing it myself”, she tells i.

The family decided to do one good thing for the planet each year. They started by agreeing to no more air travel; their final trip was an adventure to Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania for Jane’s 50th birthday. They also signed up to a vegetable box scheme and switched to a renewable power provider…”