Irish Tech News #FUTUREGEN Review: LESSONS FROM A SMALL COUNTRY by Simon Cocking

In #futuregen, Jane Davidson explains how, as Minister for Environment, Sustainability and Housing in Wales, she proposed the Well-being of Future Generations (Wales) Act 2015—the first piece of legislation on Earth to place regenerative and sustainable practice at the heart of government. Unparalleled in its scope and vision, the Act connects environmental and social health and looks to solve complex issues such as poverty, education and unemployment.

Davidson reveals how and why such groundbreaking legislation was forged in Wales—once reliant on its coal, iron and steel industries—and explores how the shift from economic growth to sustainable growth is creating new opportunities for communities and governments all over the world.

#futuregen is the inspiring story of a small, pioneering nation discovering prosperity through its vast natural beauty, renewable energy resources and resilient communities. It’s a living, breathing prototype for local and global leaders as proof of what is possible in the fight for a sustainable future.

#futuregen Lessons from a Small Country, reviewed

This is a positive and interesting book, who knew Wales was doing so many positive things. We are fans of CAT, the Centre for Alternative Technology, and Wales has some beautiful locations, but this book is a great guide to a conscious and intentional strategy to plan for the future and make Wales a more sustainable place.

Jane Davidson, the author, does address concerns and questions about whether Wales is too small to offer relevant insights for other countries around the world. However in many ways it is the New Zealands, Singapores, Finlands and Israels among others that are leading the way in innovative approaches to dealing with climate change and making our planet a better place to live. Davidson explains how they have identified, addressed and planned to get Wales to a better place.

In many ways during this recent lockdown period it has been a clear demonstration that local and small are actually the smartest way to identify what the issues are, and to create locally appropriate solutions. #futuregen is an inspiring case study, and a smart read for other locales, small countries, and even large ones to move forward in a positive and sustainable way.

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