A special event exploring Cultural Narratives & Imagination. Part of the Advaya x Chelsea Green Publishing series: Food, Farming & Healing Our World.
Wellbeing for Future Generations: building a more peaceful world
Join the Big Issue and Youth and Student CND to discuss how the Wellbeing for Future Generations act could play a part in creating a more peaceful world for future generations. The act could play an important part in securing a world with less conflict and less potential for catastrophic war and destruction.
Introduction and chairing by Caroline Lucas MP. With guest speakers Jane Davidson, Pro Vice-Chancellor Emeritus, University of Wales Trinity Saint David; Priya Shivaram, Parliamentary Research Analyst, The Big Issue; and Ellie Kinney, Co-convenor, Youth and Student CND.
Oxford Real Farming Conference 2021: Protecting the Lives and Livelihoods of Future Generations - The Ultimate Challenge?
What needs to be in place to change the behaviour of governments and institutions to encourage long-term thinking? This session will look at the approach adopted in Wales – the introduction of a law to protect future generations – through the Well-being of Future Generations (Wales) Act 2015. Despite global commitments to climate change and biodiversity from UN member states, passing this act in 2015 thrust Wales into the global spotlight as the only country in the world to have a legal mechanism to deliver on the Sustainable Development Goals. Jane Davidson, proposer of the Act and the author of #futuregen: Lessons from a Small Country will debate the key issues with Lyla June, indigenous environmental scientist and community organiser.
The session will be moderated by Leith Sharp, Director and Lead Faculty, Executive Education for Sustainability Leadership, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health.
The 2020 Annual Tony Jewell Lecture - Prof. David Pencheon
“Global health: the best of times, the worst of times: how do we address the paradox of progress in global health and equality?” by Professor David Pencheon
Prof Pencheon is the founder-director of the Sustainable Development Unit (SDU) for NHS England and Public Health England, established in 2007. He left the SDU in January 2018 and is now an Honorary Professor and an Associate at the Medical and Health School at the University of Exeter, England.
0:50:41 Response: Jane Davidson - former MS - architect of the Well-Being of Future Generations Act and author of #futuregen: Lessons from a Small Country
Small Farms for Future Generations - A panel discussion
Can small countries and small (and diverse) farms offer solutions to the crises we face? How can we move away from the ‘bigger is better’ narrative that underpins so much of farming today? And what are the key values we need in future policy and legislation to support a small-farm future? Authors Chris Smaje and Jane Davidson discuss these big questions, and more, in a conversation chaired by Sue Pritchard, Chief Executive of the Food, Farming and Countryside Commission. With the enormous challenges of climate change, economic inequality, biodiversity loss, and more, the conversation delves into the myriad possibilities that small farms offer when imagining our future.
The Chancellor's Lecture 2020 - #futuregen: How to be a Good Ancestor
On Wednesday 9 December 2020, the University of Gloucestershire was delighted to welcome Dr Jane Davidson to present this year's Chancellor's Lecture, #futuregen: How to be a Good Ancestor.
In Conversation with Jane Davidson: Andy Middleton
In the latest episode of ‘In Conversation with Jane Davidson,’ Jane speaks to Andy Middleton, CEO of TYF Adventure. Passionate about the environment, Andy founded TYF in 1986, and has since started other eco businesses. They discuss the relationship between sustainability and business, the freedom of entrepreneurship, the evolution of TYF Adventure and more
Green Party Conference: The Future Generations Act
When we work together, our common ground becomes our path to progress. That is how we turn ideas into action, and action into lasting systems change.
That’s exactly what happened in Wales. It started as a radical idea, the first of its kind: The Future Generations Act, weaving together regeneration and social justice for generations to come. It’s time England followed suit.
Now? They have the ‘world’s first commissioner of the unborn’, responsible for delivering social, economic and cultural well-being for current and future generations.
How does it work? How do we measure impact on the future? Are mindsets changing in Wales? Is the act creating the systems change it set out to achieve? Why do we need an act for future generations? And what can England and beyond learn from Wales, as the Future Generations Bill is brought to Parliament?
Festival of Ideas: Jane Davidson
Creating a better future means planning, action and change now. As Minister for Environment, Sustainability and Housing in Wales, Jane Davidson proposed the Well-being of Future Generations (Wales) Act 2015 – the first piece of legislation in the world to place regenerative and sustainable practice at the heart of government. The Act connects environmental and social health and looks to solve complex issues such as poverty, education and unemployment. Since the act, the Senedd Cymru/ Welsh Parliament has appointed a Future Generations Commissioner.
Davidson reveals how and why such ground-breaking legislation was forged in Wales and explores how the shift from economic growth to sustainable growth is creating new opportunities for communities and governments all over the world. She talks about the changes that have resulted and are to come. As other countries and places look to introduce similar acts, Davidson offers an essential guide to getting this right and having an impact.
Chaired by Stephen Hilton, founder and director of Bristol Futures Global and formerly leader of Bristol Futures at Bristol City Council.
CUSP: Nature of Prosperity Dialogue with Rowan Williams, Jane Davidson, Roman Krznaric & Rebecca Willis
How can we nurture visions of the good life that preserve nature and protect the interests of future generations? Can new institutions help us to re-invigorate democracy? Can creativity inspire us to conserve what we love? How can we become the ‘good ancestors’ we would wish for our kids, in the world they will inherit? CUSP and FDSD are delighted to invite you to the latest in the series of dialogues on the Nature of Prosperity, hosted by Rowan Williams, 104th Archbishop of Canterbury.