Jane Davidson in Conversation with Sophie Howe

In Conversation with Jane Davidson...
Sophie Howe, Future Generations Commissioner

Welcome to Business News Wales' series of live webinars. Our virtual round tables and one on one exclusive interviews are all focused on the Green Economy in Wales.

Green Industries Wales is an independent collaboration and discovery forum in Wales, has announced a pioneering series of webinars to inform all green stakeholders in Wales, pre and post the 2021 United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP26), which is being held in Glasgow from 1st November to 12th November.   

In this episode, Green Industries Wales host Jane Davidson is joined by Sophie Howe, Future Generations Commissioner.

The Webinars will run from October 4th until mid-December – shining a spotlight on the most important factors affecting climate change in Welsh industry and society: from the emerging energy sources and technologies being embraced by Wales, to the radical changes about to happen across industry, transport, the built environment and our communities as a whole.

Visit Business News Wales’ website for more information and listen to other episodes of the podcast here

BBC Cymru: Jane Davidson a'i thaith i fod yn hunan-gynhaliol

"Dwi'n byw ac yn brwydro dros un neges: paid â gwneud niwed."

Mae 10 mlynedd ers i Jane Davidson gyflwyno'r gost am fag plastig yng Nghymru yn 2011.

Ond dyw'r cyn-Weinidog Amgylchedd yn Llywodraeth Cymru heb fod yn segur ers hynny ac mae wedi targedu ei hegni at fyw bywyd cynaliadwy a'r ymdrech i fod yn garbon niwtral.

Erbyn hyn mae'n byw gyda'i gŵr Guy ar fferm fach 10-acr cynaliadwy ger Aberteifi. Ac mae'n chwerthin wrth ddweud: "Dwi dal i gael fy adnabod fel y 'menyw bag plastig'!

Darllenwch yr erthygl ar BBC Cymru

CREDO Research: Interview with Jane Davidson, author of FutureGen: Lessons from a Small Country

‘A big saviour for me was nature’

I live in a small village on the west coast of Wales. From the moment the pandemic started it was quite extraordinary how our sense of community and agency grew.

Even though I’ve lived here a decade, I’d never experienced it to such an extent.

I felt really wrapped up in the community here - looked after. There was a very strong and satisfying sense of connectedness. Providing the warmth of a tribe.

The pandemic has given us a real picture of human cooperation. We should celebrate that when humans, as a social species, cooperate, they can achieve greater outcomes.

Read the rest on LinkedIn here

Good Governance: One Planet Standard: time to step up on sustainability governance - Jane Davidson

Back in 2007, after the Welsh General Election in May, I was given the post of Cabinet Minister for Environment, Sustainability and Housing in Wales. It was a huge brief with responsibility for all aspects of nature and the environment, as well as climate change, energy, planning, marine and buildings.

Although I'd lobbied hard for such a portfolio to be created, I had no notion it would be given to me. In many ways it seemed like a double responsibility - ministerial and personal. How could I be a minister with the responsibility for tackling climate change in Wales without also being a minister who demonstrated in my daily life a reduction in emissions?

Being given this brief led directly to a transformation of my own lifestyle. We had discussed it previously as a family, and had already started to make decisions: not flying for holidays, increasing our use of public transport, eating less meat, driving more fuel-efficient cars, growing more fruit and vegetables (organically, to avoid pesticides), but had no plans to do anything beyond that.

Read the rest of the article here

In Conversation with Jane Davidson... Becky Lythgoe, Greenstream Flooring CIC

Green Industries Wales is an independent collaboration and discovery forum in Wales, has announced a pioneering series of webinars to inform all green stakeholders in Wales, pre and post the 2021 United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP26), which is being held in Glasgow from 1st November to 12th November.   

The Webinars will run from October 4th until mid-December – shining a spotlight on the most important factors affecting climate change in Welsh industry and society: from the emerging energy sources and technologies being embraced by Wales, to the radical changes about to happen across industry, transport, the built environment and our communities as a whole.

In this episode, Green Industries Wales host Jane Davidson is joined by Becky Lythgoe of Greenstream Flooring CIC.

Everything Changes - changing JUSTICE | newid CYFIAWNDER

Everything Change is a series of discussions and events exploring the roles creativity, adaptive thinking and storytelling can play in overcoming the challenges of climate and ecological crises. Rooted in Wales and with a global focus, the programme was originally streamed live online between 10th–19th June 2021. Featuring an international array of contributors from across the arts and creative industries, as well as the sciences, law, business, public policy, activism and education, Everything Change created a unique forum for generating debate and new ideas, driven by some of the most urgent questions of our times, and focusing on seven key areas of change: Money, Food, Water, Energy, Justice, Story and Change itself. Over ten days, we gathered to consider how creative thinking might help shape the imaginative revolution we need to make meaningful action on the climate crisis feel not just vital, but possible.

// Mae Newid Popeth yn gyfres o drafodaethau a digwyddiadau sy'n archwilio'r rolau y gall creadigrwydd, meddylfryd addasol ac adrodd straeon eu chwarae wrth oresgyn heriau argyfyngau hinsawdd ac ecolegol. A'i gwreiddiau yng Nghymru, â ffocws rhyngwladol, cafodd y rhaglen ei ffrydio'n fyw ar-lein yn wreiddiol rhwng 10 a 19 Mehefin 2021. Gan gynnwys llu o gyfranwyr rhyngwladol o'r celfyddydau a'r diwydiannau creadigol, yn ogystal â chyfranogwyr o'r gwyddorau, y gyfraith, busnes, polisi cyhoeddus, ymgyrchu, ac addysg, creodd

Everything Change fforwm unigryw ar gyfer sbarduno trafodaethau a syniadau newydd, wedi'u hysgogi gan un o gwestiynau mwyaf dybryd ein hoes, a chanolbwyntio ar saith maes newid allweddol: Arian, Bwyd, Dŵr, Ynni, Cyfiawnder, Stori a Newid ei hun. Dros 10 niwrnod, daethom ynghyd i ystyried sut gallai meddwl yn greadigol helpu i lywio chwyldro'r dychymyg y bydd ei angen arnom i sicrhau bod gweithredu ystyrlon ar yr argyfwng hinsawdd nid yn unig yn hanfodol ond yn bosib hefyd. Everything Change was produced by Taliesin Arts Centre and Swansea University Professor in Creativity, Owen Sheers, in partnership with Dhaka Lit Fest and with support from the British Council.

// Cynhychwyd Newid Popeth gan Taliesin a’r Athro mewn Creadigrwydd ym Mhrifysgol Abertawe, Owen Sheers, mewn partneriaeth â Dhaka Lit Fest a chefnogaeth gan y British Council.