Tortoise: Has the virus shown us what it will take to tackle global warming?

In a matter of weeks the immediate threat of mass casualties has forced governments to assert powers and spend funds never contemplated in the battle against climate change. Coronavirus has also shown us we can work and study remotely and have almost everything we need delivered to our door. It’s had the moonshot treatment. Doesn’t climate change deserve it too?

Chair: Giles Whittell, Editor and Partner, Tortoise

Special guests include:

Jane Davidson, Pro Vice-Chancellor Emeritus, University of Wales; Minister for Environment, Sustainability and Housing, Wales (2007-11); author, #futuregen Lessons from a Small Country

Juliet Davenport, founder and Chief Executive Officer of Good Energy – a renewable energy company with a mission to power a greener, cleaner future together with its customers. An innovator, Juliet has been developing technologies and innovations for over 20 years to fight climate change and transform the energy sector for the better. In 2013, she was awarded an OBE for services to renewables. She currently sits on the board of the Renewable Energy Association, Innovate UK and is Vice President of the Energy Institute

Spencer Dale, group chief economist, BP. He is responsible for advising the board and executive team on economic drivers and trends in global energy

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