Word Localisation Day: Making Policies Work for the Future We Want | Jane Davidson, George Ferguson and Sarah McKinley

What kind of policies safeguard the wellbeing of people and planet? How can we stimulate healthy local economies that operate within ecological limits? How do we bring governance closer to home? Learn from people who have spearheaded visionary policies and community-building strategies. Hear about how a small country made it mandatory to consider future generations, about food-first policies, and about models to build community wealth. Moderated by Anja Lyngbaek.

This event took place on June 20, 2021 as part of World Localization Day. As more people wake up to the need to localize supply chains and recover their connections to Nature and community, World Localization Day aims to galvanize the worldwide localization movement into a force for systemic change. Visit https://www.worldlocalizationday.org for more information.